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Journal Publication

Sr. no. Journal Publication

Carbon’in forest carbon projects: Evidence from India. Climate and Development, 1-10

Aggarwal, A.



Assessing corporate response to climate change: evidence from India.

Kumar, L. and Aggarwal, A.,

Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal 2022 , 2021-22


The Indian healthcare system turns to digital health: eSanjeevaniOPD as a national telemedicine servic

Naithani, C., Sood, S. P., & Agrahari, A.

Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases, 20438869211061575. 2021 , 2021-22


Role of Executive Sponsors in business analytics success–Understanding their influence domains using Deductive Thematic Analysis.

Srinivasan, S., Agrahari, A., & Kumar, A

Journal of Decision Systems, 1-30. (2022), 2021-22


Post-disaster communities on social media: citizen participation in crisis communication after the Nepal earthquake, 2015. 

Arora, S.

 Journal of Applied Communication Research, 50(1), 1-18 (2022), 2021-22


Where is my home?: Gendered precarity and the experience of COVID‐19 among women migrant workers from Delhi and National Capital Region, India. 

Arora, S., & Majumder, M.

 Gender, Work & Organization, 28, 307-320 (2021), 2021-22


Information privacy assimilation in IT organizations.

Attili, V. S., Mathew, S. K., & Sugumaran, V.

 Information Systems Frontiers, 1-17 (2021), 2021-22


Why do institutions revert? Institutional elasticity and petroleum sector reforms in India.

Awasthi, K., Gopakumar, K. V., & Ojha, A. K.

 Business & Society, 61(1), 81-116, (2022), 2021-22


Covid-19 Disaster relief projects management: an exploratory study of critical success factors.

Upadhyay, A., Hernandez, M. J. P., & Balodi, K. C.

 Operations Management Research, 1-12 (2022), 2021-22


Not a Penny off the Pay, Not a Second on the Day: Long-term Wage Settlement at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited.

Balasubramanian, G., & Jena, L. K.

 Vision, 09722629211033141 (2021), 2021-22


Acquisitions as programs: The role of sensemaking and sensegiving.

Bansal, A., King, D. R., & Meglio, O.

 International Journal of Project Management, 40(3), 278-289 (2022), 2021-22


Addressing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) through service learning in management education: insights from India.

Bandyopadhyay, K. R., Das, K., & Mahajan, R.

 International Journal of Educational Management (2021), 2021-22


Oil and Gas Markets and COVID-19: A Critical Rumination on Drivers, Triggers, and Volatility. 

Bandyopadhyay, K. R.

 Energies, 15(8), 2884 (2022), 2021-22


OSLCFit (organic simultaneous LSTM and CNN Fit): a novel deep learning based solution for sentiment polarity classification of reviews.

Kiran, R., Kumar, P., & Bhasker, B.

 Expert Systems with Applications, 157, 113488 (2020), 2021-22


Conceptualising socially contributive leadership among Indian organisational leaders: a qualitative study.


 International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 23(3), 343-363 (2021), 2021-22


Intellectual structure of consumer complaining behavior (CCB) research: A bibliometric analysis.

Arora, S. D., & Chakraborty, A.

 Journal of business research, 122, 60-74 (2021), 2021-22


Legitimate and illegitimate consumer complaining behavior: a review and taxonomy. 

Arora, S. D., & Chakraborty, A.

Journal of Services Marketing (2020), 2021-22


Should we pay attention to investor attention in forex futures market?. 

Saxena, K., & Chakraborty, M.

 Applied Economics, 52(60), 6562-6572 (2020), 2021-22


(2020). Asymmetric relationship of investor sentiment with stock return and volatility: evidence from India.

Chakraborty, M., & Subramaniam, S.

 Review of Behavioral Finance, 12(4), 435-454 (2020), 2021-22


From Safe Motherhood to Cognitive Ability: Exploring Intrahousehold and Intergenerational Spillovers. Economica,

Chatterjee, S., & Poddar, P.

 Economica, 88(352), 1075-1106 (2021), 2021-22


Voting for the underdog or jumping on the bandwagon? Evidence from India’s exit poll ban.

Chatterjee, S., & Kamal, J.

 Public Choice, 188(3), 431-453 (2021), 2021-22


Designing emergency response network for rail hazmat shipments under uncertainties: Optimization model and case study.

Vaezi, A., Dalal, J., & Verma, M.

 Safety science, 141, 105332 (2021), 2021-22


Robust emergency relief supply planning for foreseen disasters under evacuation-side uncertainty.

Dalal, J., & Üster, H.

 Transportation science, 55(3), 791-813 (2021), 2021-22


Dropout management in online learning systems.

Dash, R., Ranjan, K. R., & Rossmann, A.

Behaviour & Information Technology, 1-15 (2021), 2021-22


(2021). Thinking, feeling and coping by BoP healthcare consumers: policy- based intervention in an emerging market.

Ranjan, K. R., Rohit, S., Dash, R., & Singh, R.

 Journal of Marketing Management, 37(9-10), 914-961 (2021), 2021-22


The role of social influencers for effective public health communication.

Gupta, S., Dash, S. B., & Mahajan, R.

 Online Information Review (2021), 2021-22


Reviving Indian Tourism amid the Covid-19 pandemic: Challenges and workable solutions.

Dash, S. B., & Sharma, P.

 Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 22, 100648 (2021), 2021-22


Benchmarking higher education institutes using data envelopment analysis: capturing perceptions of prospective engineering students.

Daultani, Y., Dwivedi, A., & Pratap, S.

 Opsearch, 58(4), 773-789 (2021), 2021-22


Evolving a bi-objective optimization model for an after sales supply chain in presence of information asymmetry and service level requirement.

Goswami, M., Daultani, Y., & Tripathi, A.

 International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (2021), 2021-22


Perceived outcomes of e-learning: identifying key attributes affecting user satisfaction in higher education institutes.

Daultani, Y., Goswami, M., Kumar, A., & Pratap, S.

 Measuring Business Excellence (2021), 2021-22


Sustainable vehicle routing of agro-food grains in the e- commerce industry.

Prajapati, D., Chan, F. T., Daultani, Y., & Pratap, S.

 International Journal of Production Research, 1-26 (2022), 2021-22


Does lean and sustainable manufacturing lead to Industry 4.0 adoption: The mediating role of ambidextrous innovation capabilities.

Dixit, A., Jakhar, S. K., & Kumar, P.

 Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175, 121328 (2022), 2021-22


Exploring Customer Engagement on Social Networking Sites: A Qualitative Research Enquiry.

Malhan, M., Dewani, P. P., Nigam, A., Vaz, D., & Ogbeibu, E. A. A.

 Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 30(5), 1-28 (2021), 2021-22


Anandam Vana Retreat: Designing Customer Loyalty Program for Long-Term Customer Relationship.

Singh, V., & Dewani, P. P.

 Asian Case Research Journal, 26(01), 1-16 (2022), 2021-22


Consumer’s response to conditional promotions in retailing: An empirical inquiry.

Nigam, A., Dewani, P., Behl, A., & Pereira, V.

Journal of Business Research, 144, 751-763 (2022)., 2021-22


Scarcity Promotions and Consumer Aggressions: A Theoretical Framework.

Harikrishnan, P. K., Dewani, P. P., & Behl, A.

Journal of Global Marketing, 1-18. (2021)., 2021-22


Blockchain for sustainable e-agriculture: Literature review, architecture for data management, and implications.

Dey, K., & Shekhawat, U.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 316, 128254. (2021)., 2021-22


Celebrity selection in social media ecosystems: a flexible and interactive framework.

Shukla, S., & Dubey, A.

Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing. (2021)., 2021-22


Macroeconomic surprises and stock market responses in view of global linkage–A study of Indian stock market.

Pal, S., & Garg, A. K.

Cogent Economics & Finance, 8(1), 1839171. (2020)., 2021-22


Bank stocks inform higher growth—A System GMM analysis of ten emerging markets in Asia.

Mittal, A., & Garg, A. K.

The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 79, 210-220. (2021)., 2021-22


Do it yourself effect on restaurants–The pandemic effect: driven by the fear appeal theory.

Goyal, A., & Verma, P.

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 76-87. (2021)., 2021-22


Maximizing customers' lifetime value using limited marketing resources.

Marmol, M., Goyal, A., Copado-Mendez, P. J., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A.

Marketing Intelligence & Planning. (2021)., 2021-22


Negative Word of Mouth: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda.

Arora, S. D., Gupta, D. D., & Naylor, G. S.

Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 34, 33-78. (2021)., 2021-22


Betwixt agency and accountability: re-visioning street-level bureaucrats.

Gupta, P., Thakur, M., & Chakrabarti, B.

Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance, 94-113. (2022)., 2021-22


Implications for sustainable healthcare operations in embracing telemedicine services during a pandemic.

Chauhan, A., Jakhar, S. K., & Jabbour, C. J. C.

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 176, 121462. (2022)., 2021-22


Would CORSIA implementation bring carbon neutral growth in aviation? A case of US full service carriers.

Sharma, A., Jakhar, S. K., & Choi, T. M.

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 97, 102839. (2021)., 2021-22


Two‐period supply chain coordination strategies with ambidextrous sustainable innovations.

Kumar, P., Jakhar, S. K., & Bhattacharya, A.

Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(7), 2980-2995. (2021)., 2021-22


The effect of environmental regulations, top management commitment, and organizational learning on green product innovation: Evidence from automobile industry.

Bhatia, M. S., & Jakhar, S. K.

Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(8), 3907-3918. (2021)., 2021-22


Social responsibility and cost-learning in dyadic supply chain coordination.

Kumar, P., Baraiya, R., Das, D., Jakhar, S. K., Xu, L., & Mangla, S. K.

Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 156, 102549. (2021)., 2021-22


Profit maximizing hub location problem in the airline industry under coopetition.

Sharma, A., Kohar, A., & Jakhar, S. K.

Computers & Industrial Engineering, 160, 107563. (2021)., 2021-22


Effectiveness of non-farm diversification on rural household income–evidence and policy implications from India.

Kapoor, S., & Kapoor, S.

International Journal of Development Issues.(2021)., 2021-22


Measurement of collusion in open ascending price auctions in agricultural commodity markets.

Das, D., & Kapoor, S.

Studies in Microeconomics, 23210222211051443.(2020)., 2021-22


Are gold, USD, and Bitcoin hedge or safe haven against stock? The implication for risk management.

Sharma, U., & Karmakar, M.

Review of Financial Economics.(2022)., 2021-22


Development of a ‘Karma-Yoga ’instrument, the core of the Hindu work ethic.

Rastogi, A., Pati, S. P., Kumar, P., & Dixit, J. K.

IIMB Management Review, 32(4), 352-364. (2020)., 2021-22


A constrained agglomerative clustering approach for unipartite and bipartite networks with application to credit networks.

Gupta, S., & Kumar, P.

Information Sciences, 557, 332-354.(2021)., 2021-22


Factors affecting BoP producer intention to use P2P lending platforms in India.

Kumra, R., Khalek, S. A., & Samanta, T.

Journal of Global Marketing, 34(4), 328-352.(2021)., 2021-22


Why consumers exaggerate in online reviews? Moral disengagement and dark personality traits.

Kapoor, P. S., Balaji, M. S., Maity, M., & Jain, N. K.

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102496.(2021)., 2021-22


Utilitarian or entertainment? Value obtained from mobile phones by users in low socioeconomic strata in emerging markets.

Maity, M.

International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. (2020)., 2021-22


Divergent and Convergent Effects of Business Group Affiliation on Firm Performance in International Strategic Alliances

Mital, A. & Mishra, D.



Role of communication, influence, and satisfaction in patient recommendations of a physician.

Mehra, P., & Mishra, A.

Vikalpa, 46(2), 99-111. (2021)., 2021-22


Performance of three-echelon supply chain under uncertainty: influence of contract sequence and individual rationality.

Gupta, R., Biswas, I., Mohanty, B. K., & Kumar, S.

Benchmarking: An International Journal. (2022)., 2021-22


An algorithmic-based multi-attribute decision making model under intuitionistic fuzzy environment.

Aggarwal, E., & Mohanty, B. K.

Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, (Preprint), 1-15. (2022)., 2021-22


Kernel naïve Bayes classifier-based cyber-risk assessment and mitigation framework for online gaming platforms.

Sharma, K., & Mukhopadhyay, A.

Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 31(4), 343-363.(2021)., 2021-22


A text-mining based cyber-risk assessment and mitigation framework for critical analysis of online hacker forums.

Biswas, B., Mukhopadhyay, A., Bhattacharjee, S., Kumar, A., & Delen, D.

Decision Support Systems, 152, 113651. (2022)., 2021-22


Does hospitality industry stock volatility react asymmetrically to health and economic crises?.

Pal, D.

Economic Modelling, 108, 105739. (2022)., 2021-22


Does “investment climate” affect GDP? Panel data evidence using reduced-form and stochastic frontier analysis.

Pal, D., Mitra, S. K., & Chatterjee, S.

Journal of Business Research, 138, 301-310. (2022)., 2021-22


Role of effective crisis communication by the government in managing the first wave Covid‐19 pandemic–A study of Kerala government's success.

MA, S., Pande, N., & PK, S. K.

Journal of Public Affairs, 21(4), e2721.(2021)., 2021-22


When affirmative action is not enough: challenges in career development of persons with disability.

Gupta, A., & Priyadarshi, P.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 39(6), 617-639. (2020)., 2021-22


Foreign aid, FDI and economic growth in South-East Asia and South Asia.

Rao, D. T., Sethi, N., Dash, D. P., & Bhujabal, P.

Global Business Review, 0972150919890957.(2020)., 2021-22


Pay-what-you-want versus pick-your price: The interplay between participative pricing strategies and consumer's need for cognition.

Rathore, H., Jakhar, S. K., Kumar, S., & Kumar, M. E.

Journal of Business Research, 141, 73-84. (2022)., 2021-22


Sustainable recovery for digital entrepreneurs with shared resources: enablers, challenges and solutions.

Jha, A., Sindhwani, R., Dwivedi, A., & Saddikuti, V.

Journal of Asia Business Studies. (2021)., 2021-22


he World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Emergency and Trauma (WHO-CCET) in South East Asia, The World Academic Council of Emergency Medicine (WACEM), and The American College of Academic International Medicine (ACAIM) 2021

Sardesai, I,, Saddikuti, V.,

Framework for using Telemedicine Technology at Healthcare Institutions, Journal of Emergencies Trauma and Shock 14(3) (2021), 2021-22


Does syndicate structure create value for initial public offerings? An empirical investigation for the Indian market.

Sahoo, S., & Sahoo, A.

Pacific Accounting Review.(2022)., 2021-22


Do Analysts Become Better Forecasters Over Time- Evidence from India

Sahoo, S., & Chaudhary, A.,



Do technological investments promote manufacturing productivity? A firm-level analysis for India.

Khanna, R., & Sharma, C.

Economic Modelling, 105, 105672. (2021)., 2021-22


Does Corruption Sand The Wheels Of Financial Sector Development? Evidence From Global Panel Data.

Sharma, C.

Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, 9(02), 2150008.(2021)., 2021-22


Testing the asymmetric effects of the economic policy uncertainty on the tourism demand in India.

Sharma, C.

Tourism Economics, 27(4), 867-873.(2021)., 2021-22


Customer co-creation, COVID-19 and sustainable service outcomes. 

Sharma, P.

Benchmarking: An International Journal.(2021)., 2021-22


Retrospective View and Thematic Analysis of Business-to-Business Relationships through Bibliometric Analysis.

Sharma, P., Saha, S., & Balaji, M. S.

Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 29(1), 19-42.(2022).  , 2021-22


Building Resiliency in Employees Using LMX Concept: A Qualitative Study. 

Mishra, R., & Shukla, A.

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(1).(2021). , 2021-22


How has evolution of corporate governance practices of banks in India affected quality of their financial reporting.

Gupta, A., & Singh, P.

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 26(1), 82-119.(2022).  , 2021-22


Do Corruption and Income Inequality Play Spoilsport in The Energy Efficiency-Growth Relationship in BRICS Countries?.

Sehrawat, M., & Singh, S. K.

Journal of Quantitative Economics, 19(4), 727-746.(2021).  , 2021-22


Linkage between road safety and economic development: a case study of India.

Sinha, A., Singh, S. K., & Singh, V.

Metamorphosis, 20(1), 7-15.(2021).  , 2021-22


Environmental performance evaluation of European farms by assessing polluting factors in joint production. 

Pandey, U., & Singh, S.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 328, 129457.(2021). , 2021-22


Shipment in a multi-choice environment: a case study of shipping carriers in US. 

Singh, S., & Singh, S.

Central European Journal of Operations Research, 1-25.(2021). , 2021-22


Cyber terrorism and Indian legal regime: a critical appraisal of Section 66 (F) of the Information Technology Act.

Singh, V. P.

Sri Lanka Journal of Social Sciences, 44(1), 71-81.(2021).  , 2021-22


Entry timing as a mixed gamble in cross-border acquisition waves: a study of family firms.

Fuad, M., Thakur, V., & Sinha, A. K.

Family Business Review, 34(3), 323-341.(2021).  , 2021-22


Seeking strategic assets within cross-border acquisition waves: A study of Indian firms.

Ahsan, F. M., Fuad, M., & Sinha, A. K.

Journal of International Management, 27(4), 100875.(2021).  , 2021-22


Family firms and their participation in cross-border acquisition waves: evidence from India.

Fuad, M., Thakur, V., & Sinha, A. K.

Cross Cultural & Strategic Management.(2021).  , 2021-22


Internationalization motives, location advantages and performance: the case of Indian firms from knowledge-intensive industries.

Ahsan, F. M., & Sinha, A. K.

Cross Cultural & Strategic Management.(2022).  , 2021-22


The world health organization collaborating center for emergency and trauma (WHO-CCET) in South East Asia, the world academic council of emergency medicine (WACEM), and the American college of academic international medicine (ACAIM) 2021 framework for using telemedicine technology at healthcare institutions.

Sikka, V., Di Somma, S., Galwankar, S. C., Sinha, S., Garg, N., Talwalkar, N., ... & Sardesai, I.

 Journal of emergencies, trauma, and shock, 14(3), 173.(2021). , 2021-22


Effective policy mix for plastic waste mitigation in India using System Dynamics.

Dhanshyam, M., & Srivastava, S. K.

Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 168, 105455.(2021). , 2021-22


Enterprise blockchain: an applications-based comprehensive literature review.

Karamchandani, A., Srivastava, S. K., & Srivastava, A.

International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning, 13(1), 1-37.(2021)., 2021-22


Analysing perceived role of blockchain technology in SCM context for the manufacturing industry.

Karamchandani, A., Srivastava, S. K., Kumar, S., & Srivastava, A.

 International Journal of Production Research, 59(11), 3398-3429.(2021). , 2021-22


Response to the COVID-19: Understanding implications of government lockdown policies. 

Kumar, A., Priya, B., & Srivastava, S. K.

Journal of policy modeling, 43(1), 76-94.(2021)., 2021-22


Corporate banking—risk management, regulatory and reporting framework in India: A Blockchain application-based approach. 

Dashottar, S., & Srivastava, V.

Journal of Banking Regulation, 22(1), 39-51.(2021), 2021-22


Infrastructure project finance: a systematic literature review and directions for future research.

Kumar, A., Srivastava, V., & Tabash, M. I.

Qualitative Research in Financial Markets.(2021), 2021-22


COVID-19 fear index: does it matter for stock market returns?. 

Subramaniam, S., & Chakraborty, M.

Review of Behavioral Finance.(2021), 2021-22


Time-varying risk aversion and forecastability of the US term structure of interest rates.

Bouri, E., Gupta, R., Majumdar, A., & Subramaniam, S.

Finance Research Letters, 42, 101924.(2021), 2021-22


Volatility spillover impact of FII and MF net equity flows on the Indian sectoral stock indices: recent evidence using BEKK-GARCH. 

Aggarwal, V., Doifode, A., & Tiwary, M. K.

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 22(3), 350-363.(2021), 2021-22


Multi-criteria performance evaluation framework for rehabilitation service operations.

Vaidya, O. S., & Kumar, S.

Global Business Review, 22(6), 1490-1506.(2021), 2021-22


Impact of task priority on software supply chain: a simulationapproach. 

Kumar, M., Vaidya, O. S., & Srivastava, R. K.

South Asian Journal of Business Studies.(2022), 2021-22


applications in logistics performance evaluation: A literature review.

Chejarla, K. C., Vaidya, O. S., & Kumar, S.

Journal of Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis, 2021-22


The impact of banking regulations and accounting standards on estimating discretionary loan loss provisions. 

Pandey, A., Tripathi, A., & Guhathakurta, K.

Finance Research Letters, 44, 102068.(2022), 2021-22


Gyan Shala Model- The Lucknow Challenge

Aithal, R.

Vikalpa, 2020-21


Revisiting the land use assumptions in forest carbon projects through a case from India.

Aggarwal, A.

Journal of Environmental Management, 267, 110673. (2020)., 2020-21


New Valid Inequalities for the Optimal Communication Spanning Tree Problem.

Agarwal, Y. K., & Venkateshan, P.

INFORMS Journal on Computing, 31(2), 268-284.(2019)., 2020-21


A new model for the asymmetric vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and deliveries.

Agarwal, Y. K., & Venkateshan, P.

Operations Research Letters, 48(1), 48-54. (2020)., 2020-21


A data visualization tool to benchmark government tendering process: Insights from two public enterprises.

Agrahari, A., & Srivastava, S. K.

Benchmarking: An International Journal. 26(3), 836-853.(2019)., 2020-21


Do pressures foster sustainable public procurement? An empirical investigation comparing developed and developing economies.

Raj, A., Agrahari, A., & Srivastava, S. K.

Journal of Cleaner Production, 266, 122055. (2020)., 2020-21


Intersectional vulnerability in post disaster contexts: lived experiences of Dalit women after the Nepal earthquake, 2015.

Arora, S.

Disasters. (2020)., 2020-21


How Does Regulation Impact Strategic Repositioning by Firms Across Submarkets?

Bhaskarabhatla, A., Anurag, P., Chatterjee, C.& Pennings, E.

Evidence from the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry, Strategy Science. (2021)., 2020-21


Role of blockchain in HR's response to new- normal, International Journal of Organizational Analysis

Chillakuri, B. & Attili, V.S.P.

(2021). , 2020-21


Helping when it matters: Optimal time for supporting women’s self‐employment in India Development Policy Review

Awasthi, K, Bhat, K.K. & Boeri, N.

(2020). , 2020-21


Influence Capital in Boards: A study of ex- bureaucrats in India.

Awasthi, K., & George, R.

Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1-35. (2020)., 2020-21


Organising Experience of Informal Sector Workers – A Road Less Travelled,

Balasubramanian, G & Sarkar, S.

Employee Relations, 42(3):798-817 (2020)., 2020-21


Exploring relationship between degree of unionization and firm productivity in Indian listed firms,

Balasubramanian, G, & Dash, S

Journal of Labor and Society, 23(2) (2020)., 2020-21


Mobilizing B2B Electronic Marketplace: An Exploratory Study of Critical Success Factors among Indian Start-ups,

Sethi, K., Biswas, B. & Balodi, K.C.

Global Business Review (2021)., 2020-21


Strategy, business model, and innovation at Rivigo:

Balodi , K.C., Jain, R. & Das, R.

Is Relay-as-a-Service the way forward?, Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (2021)., 2020-21


Women entrepreneurship and sustainable development:

Mahaja, R. & Bandyopadhyay, K.R.

select case studies from the sustainable energy sector, Journal of Enterprising Communities People and Places in the Global Economy (2021)., 2020-21


Violence and Trust in Police in India,

Bhattacharya, K. & Shukla, S.S.

Economic and Political Weekly, 56(1):41-48 (2021)., 2020-21


(2021).Underpinnings of social contributions:

Bhumika, Kumar, P. R., & Sinha, A.

conceptualizing behavioral patterns among socially contributive leaders in India, Social Responsibility Journal (2021)., 2020-21


Pricing decisions for three-echelon supply chain with advertising and quality effort-dependent fuzzy demand.

Gupta, R., Biswas, I., & Kumar, S.

International Journal of Production Research, 57(9), 2715-2731 (2019)., 2020-21


Channel coordination using options contract under simultaneous price and inventory competition. Transportation Research Part E:

Biswas, I., & Avittathur, B.

Journal of Labor and SoLogistics and Transportation Review, 123, 45-60.ciety, 23(2) (2019)., 2020-21


The price-setting limited clearance sale inventory model.

Biswas, I., & Avittathur, B.

Annals of Operations Research, 1-17 (2018)., 2020-21


Is there political elite capture in access to energy sources?

Chatterjee, S., & Pal, D.

Evidence from Indian households. World Development, 140, 105288 (2021)., 2020-21


Moving up the energy ladder:

Poddar, P., Pal, D., & Chatterjee, S.

does socio-religious status matter?. Population and Environment, 42(3), 325-359 (2021)., 2020-21


Technology product coolness and its implication for brand love.

Tiwari, A. A., Chakraborty, A., & Maity, M.

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 58,102258 (2021)., 2020-21


(2019).Corporate social responsibility in marketing:

Chakraborty, A. & Jha, A.

a review of the state-of-the-art literature. Journal of Social Marketing, 9 (4), 418-446 (2019)., 2020-21


Daikin India: Paradise Lost.

Chakraborty, A.

Vikalpa, 44(3), 115-123 (2019)., 2020-21


Multi-factor asset pricing models in emerging and developed markets,

Lalwani, V. & Chakraborty, M.

Managerial Finance (2019)., 2020-21


A Strategic Donor-Beneficiary Assignment Problem under Supply and Demand Uncertainties.

Dalal J.

International Journal of Operational Research, 1(1):1 (2020)., 2020-21


Effect of frontline employee's hope and consumer failure during consumer-created emergencies.

Ranjan, K. R., Dash, R., Sugathan, P., & Mao, W.

Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 31(1), 35-64 (2020)., 2020-21


Social relationship cycle for managing small intermediary businesses: Evidences from India.

Ranjan, K. R., Dash, R., & Rayangoudar, V.

Industrial Marketing Management, 91, 411-428 (2020), 2020-21


Understanding consumer preference through fuzzy based recommendation system

Dash, S.B., Mandal, M. & Mohanty, B.K.,

IIMB Management Review, 2020-21


The Barriers and Facilitators of the Degree of Digital Use in the Travel Services Supply Chain:

Ghosh, D., & Dash, S.B.

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Decision modeling and analysis in new product development considering supply chain uncertainties:

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Identification and ranking of key factors impacting efficiency of Indian shipping logistics sector,

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An Empirical Investigation of the Relationship between Store Attributes and Customer Satisfaction:

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Box office collection of sequel movies:

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Exploring Deal of the Day:

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Scarcity promotions:

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Blockchain technology adoption, architecture, and sustainable agri-food supply chains

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Challenges for work-life balance during COVID-19 induced nationwide lockdown:


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Management Innovation: Literature Review and Research Directions,

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Voluntary disclosures in formal reports:

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Consumer Perceived Associations of Masstige Brands:

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Sustainable development and carbon neutrality: Integrated assessment of transport transitions in India.

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Trivedi, A., Jakhar, S. K., & Sinha, D. (2021). Analyzing barriers to inland waterways as a sustainable transportation mode in India:

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Differential carbon tax policy in aviation:

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Airport capacity management:

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Stakeholder pressure for sustainability:

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The future of Indian aviation from the perspective of environment-centric regulations and policies,

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Hybrid BWM-ELECTRE- based decision framework for effective offshore outsourcing adoption:

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Measuring quantile risk hedging effectiveness:

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With the margins: Writing subaltern resistance and social transformation.

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Women’s re-entry after a career break: Efficacy of support programs, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion:

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Reducing buyer-seller information asymmetry in agri-input marketing,

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An overlapping community detection algorithm based on rough clustering of links.

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DNNRec: A novel deep learning based hybrid recommender system.

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Problematic Internet Use and Psychosocial Well-being:

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Comparing the performance of public and private enterprises:

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Television viewing and conspicuous consumption of households:

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Children in the digital world: exploring the role of parental–child attachment features in excessive online gaming.

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Examining the mediating role of work engagement on the relationship between workplace mindfulness and organizational justice and its association with well-being,

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Relationship between workplace spirituality, organizational justice and mental health:

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Communicative competence and subjective well- being:

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Does technology divide or unite generations? Testing media richness and communication climate effects on communication satisfaction in the Indian workplace.

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Board characteristics and performance of Indian banks.

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Electricals- Lighting up the Future, Vikalpa

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Fuzzy multi-objective programming for supplier portfolio formation:

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Market Development and Value Creation for Low Socioeconomic Segments in Emerging Markets:

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Financial Loss due to a Data Privacy Breach:

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An Empirical Analysis, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 30(3):1-20 (2020), 2020-21


Cyber risk assessment and mitigation (CRAM) framework using logit and probit models for cyber insurance.

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Socially responsible investment, ethical rating, and separating contracts: A theoretical exploration in hospitality industry.

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Time-frequency dynamics of return spillover from crude oil to agricultural commodities,

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Information Visualization Using Clustering and Predictive Model:

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How to Lead: Wisdom from the Worlds’ Greatest CEO’s, Founders and Game Changers, Metamorphosis:

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A taxonomy of asset management companies.

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Reference Prices and Turnover: Evidence from Small- Capitalization Stocks,

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Bank Stock Returns and Augmented Risk Factors,

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Determinants of Internship Conversion Among Management Graduates:

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Work-family enrichment: evidence from India on source attribution,

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The Need for Saving Livelihoods for Saving Lives,

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A comparative assessment of the spillovers of US monetary policy shocks and its mitigation.

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Applying Kant’s Ethics to Video Game Business Models:

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Services Activity, Economic Growth and Regional Equality– Some Empirical Evidence on their Relationship,

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Determinants of Intercorporate Investments:

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Do anchor investors affect long run performance? Evidence from Indian IPO markets.

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Share Repurchase:

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Influence of family socio-emotional wealth on strategic decision making in Indian family firms,

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What Drives Derivatives:

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Does economic policy uncertainty dampen imports?

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Does infrastructure stimulate total factor productivity?

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Revisiting resource curse puzzle: new evidence from heterogeneous panel analysis,

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The productivity effects of infrastructure: A cross-country comparison using manufacturing industry panels,

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Contingent firm factors and possible modes of university- developed technology acquisition: A conceptual model.

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Comparative study of risks in Indian banks: an empirical analysis using bank-dependent factors and economic indicators.

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Do Women Directors Impact the Risk and Return of Indian Banks?.

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Time–cost trade-off in a multi-choice assignment problem, Engineering Optimization

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Development of Two-Stage Parallel-Series System with Fuzzy Data:

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Innovation and Corruption: Dissecting causal linkage using Patent Application information from India,

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V.P. Criminalisation of Marital Rape and Judicial Approach,

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Directors Fiduciary Duties to the Company-

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The doctrine of reverse piercing of corporate veil:

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A Novel Approach to Understanding Delhi’s Complex Air Pollution Problem.

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Perception-based model for analyzing the impact of enterprise blockchain adoption on SCM in the Indian service industry.

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Antecedents of implementation success in closed-loop supply chain:

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Assessing value of customer involvement in engineered-to-order shipbuilding projects using fuzzy set and rough set theories.

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Predicting the threat of shareholder activism among Indian firms:

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Default Probability Assessment for Project Finance Bank Loans and Basel Regulations:

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Infectious disease-related uncertainty and the safe-haven characteristic of US treasury securities.

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On the transmission mechanism of Asia‐Pacific yield curve characteristics

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Do Lower Foreign Flows and Higher Domestic Flows Reduce Indian Equity Market Volatility?.

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Volatility Spillover from Institutional Equity Investments to Indian Volatility Index,

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How Machiavellianism engenders impression management motives: The role of social astuteness and networking ability.

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Does it pay to be bad?

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Leader dark personality and team agreeableness:

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Mediating Effects of Person-Environment Fit on the Relationship between High Performance Human Resource Practices and Firm Performance,

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Evaluation of enablers of supply chain resilience and responsibility in India during large-scale disruptions:

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Effects of risk-pooling in the allocation of customer orders and returns in online retailing,

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Transmission of SARS- CoV-2 in Indian states during lockdown:

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A Comparative Evaluation of Public Road Transportation Systems in India Using Multicriteria Decision-Making Techniques.

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Hybrid Multi- Objective Evolutionary (H-MOE) Algorithm for Solving RALB-II Problem,

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COVID-19 Blind Spots:

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The 2019-2020 Novel Coronavirus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) Pandemic:

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Application and analysis of artificial neural network backpropagation algorithm's in knowledge management.

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Modeling the effect of imperfect staggering in product inflow using queuing theory:

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On the expectation of the largest gap in a warehouse. Transportation Research Part E:

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Forward -Reserve Storage Design- A Case of Carriage Repair Workshop, Indian Railways,

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Adaptive market hypothesis and investor sentiments:

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Limit order books: a systematic review of literature,

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Liquidity commonality beyond best prices:

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Liquidity of financial markets:

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"Acquisition motivated IPOs: the Indian evidence."

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"Family-controlled businesses in India: a shareholding pattern-based definition."

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"How Indian firms cope with a crisis: Earnings management characteristics of CNX Nifty 100 companies."

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Macroeconomic surprises and stock marketresponses—A study on Indian stock market.

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Options pricing and short‐selling in the underlying:

Dixit, Alok, and Shivam Singh.

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Liquidity commonality in extreme quantiles:

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Valuation effects of alliance portfolio expansion speed and strength:

Shukla, Dhirendra Mani, Amita Mital, Israr Qureshi, and Taiyuan Wang.

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Service Recovery in Low Contact Context- An Empirical Study.

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Innovative VLE model for last-mile service delivery in rural India.

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A Markov-Based model for information security risk assessment in healthcare MANETs.

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Assessing the risk of Cyberattacks in the Online gaming Industry- A data Mining Approach.

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Reducing or creating poverty? Analyzing livelihood impacts of forest carbon projects with evidence from India.

Aggarwal, Ashish, and Dan Brockington.

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Improving forest governance or messing it up? Analyzing impact of forest carbon projects on existing governance mechanisms with evidence from India.

Aggarwal, Ashish.

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Exploring Firm-Level Antecedents that Drive Motives of Internationalization:

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Strategizing SCM-M Interface Using DeLone and McLean Model of IS Success and Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Perspectives on E-Commerce Success.

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A fuzzy approach to prioritise DEA ranked association rules.

Shukla, Shekhar, B. K. Mohanty, and Ashwani Kumar.

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Does India do IT? The nexus of IT, skills, organizational factors and productivity.

Singh, Awadhesh Pratap, and Chandan Sharma.

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Does selection of productivity estimation techniques matter?.

Singh, Awadhesh Pratap, and Chandan Sharma.

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Effects of R&D and foreign technology transfer on productivity and innovation:

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Estimating the size of the black economy: new evidence from India.

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Corruption and Economic Growth: Some New Empirical Evidence from a Global Sample.

Sharma, Chandan, and Arup Mitra.

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Exchange Rate Volatility and Tourism Demand in India: Unraveling the Asymmetric Relationship.

Sharma, Chandan, and Debdatta Pal.

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Does Exchange Rate Volatility Dampen Imports? Commodity-Level Evidence From India.

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Correlation dynamics of crude oil with agricultural commodities:

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Asymmetric oil price transmission to the purchasing power of the US dollar:

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Hedging bitcoin with other financial assets.

Pal, Debdatta, and Subrata K. Mitra.

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Governance, urbanization, and pollution:

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Corporate Frauds in India- Legal Mechanism under Companies Act, 2013.

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Insider Trading Regime in India- An Analysis.

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Judicial Activities and Environmental Jurisprudence in India.

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Legal status of oppression and mismanagement and protection...Companies Act 2013.

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Leeson, and Norbert Meiners. "Changing Consumer Values and Shopping Behaviour in India.

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Strategic orientations and performance of young ventures.

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Asymmetric relationship of investor sentiment with stock return and volatility:

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Investor reaction to extreme price shocks in stock markets: A cross country examination.

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Agritourism: structured literature review and bibliometric analysis.

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Teenagers’ eWOM intentions: a nature vs nurture perspective.

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Do stock markets witness instantaneous reactions to changes in dividend tax laws?: Evidence from India.

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Local Banking and Manufacturing Growth- Evidence from India.

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IIMB Management Review Accepted, 2019-20


Uncertainty as Entrepreneurial Motivation: Tuche, karma and the Necessity of Action.

Roy, Nandita. "Uncertainty as Entrepreneurial Motivation:

Philosophy of Management (2019): 1-10., 2019-20


Dispositional greed and its dark allies: An investigation among prospective managers.

Sekhar, Sujit, Nishant Uppal, and Archana Shukla.

Personality and Individual Differences 162 (2020): 110005., 2019-20


What are you rating? Moderation effects of teachers’ traitedness and students’ agreeableness on curvilinear relationship between teachers’ Dark Triad and student’s rating of instructions.

Nishant, Uppal.

Studies in Higher Education (2019): 1-11., 2019-20


CEO narcissism, CEO duality, TMT agreeableness and firm performance.

Uppal, Nishant.

European Business Review (2020)., 2019-20


Local Banking and Manufacturing Growth- Evidence from"Achieving sustainable operational excellence through IT implementation in Indian logistics sector: India.

Chakraborty, Shuvabrata, Ankit Sharma, and Omkarprasad S. Vaidya.

An analysis of barriers." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 152 (2020): 104506., 2019-20


Strategic Drivers, Issues, Challenges and Performance Indicators in Software Supply Chain- An Overview.

Vaidya, Omkarprasad S. and Binilkumar Rakesh.

Udyog Pragati. Accepted, 2019-20


Work disengagement among SME workers: evidence from India.

Rastogi, Ashish, Surya Prakash Pati, Jitendra Kumar Dixit, and Pankaj Kumar.

Benchmarking: An International Journal (2018)., 2019-20


Organizational communication and job satisfaction: what role do generational differences play?.

Mehra, Payal, and Catherine Nickerson.

International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2019)., 2019-20


King George’s Medical University: Inculcating a Service Mindset.

Mehra, Payal.

IIMB ManageSouth Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases 8, no. 2 (2019): 113-129.ment Review Accepted, 2019-20


Recommendation generation using personalized weight of meta-paths in heterogeneous information European Journal

Gupta, Mukul, and Pradeep Kumar.

Operational Research 284, no. 2 (2020): 660-674., 2019-20


"Upper approximation based privacy preserving in online social networks.

Kumar, Saurabh, and Pradeep Kumar.

Expert Systems with Applications 88 (2017): 276-289., 2019-20


Interplay between trust, information privacy concerns and behavioural intention of users on online social networks.

Kumar, Saurabh, Pradeep Kumar, and Bharat Bhasker.

Behaviour & Information Technology 37, no. 6 (2018): 622-633., 2019-20


Impact ranking of microfinance institutions: an empirical study in India.

Singh, Prakash.

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 19, no. 2 (2019): 189-210., 2019-20


"The Chakra Super Blasters: Revenue Maximization in League Cricket."

Nigam Achint and Prem Dewani.

Journal of International Business Education 14 (2019), JIBE14-0CS6., 2019-20


"Scarcity Promotions- Customers Negative Experiential Journey."

Harikrishnan, P.K. and Prem Prakash Dewani.

The Marketing Review. Accepted, 2019-20


"Do boundary preferences, work-family self-efficacy and proactive personality predict job satisfaction?

Premchandran, Rajesh, and Pushpendra Priyadarshi.

The mediating role of work-family enrichment." In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018., 2019-20


"Micro- foundations for sustainable development:

Tripathi, Divya, Pushpendra Priyadarshi, Pankaj Kumar, and Sushil Kumar.

leadership and employee performance." International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2020)., 2019-20


"Millennials and political savvy–the mediating role of political skill linking core self-evaluation, emotional intelligence and knowledge sharing behaviour."

Priyadarshi, Pushpendra, and Rajesh Premchandran.

VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems (2019)., 2019-20


"Understanding consumer motivation to share IoT products data."

Bhatnagar, Sushant, and Rajeev Kumra.

Journal of Indian Business Research (2020)., 2019-20


"Analysis of external barriers to remanufacturing using grey-DEMATEL approach:

Bhatia, Manjot Singh, and Rajiv K. Srivastava.

An Indian perspective." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 136 (2018): 79-87., 2019-20


Gajendra K. Adil, and Vishwesh Singbal. "Automated Storage/Retrieval Systems for a Maintenance Facility – A Case of the Carriage Repair Workshop, Indian Railways"

Rakesh Venkitasubramony, Gajendra K.

Operations Management Education Review 13 (2019)., 2019-20


"Pricing of airline tickets on India's busiest aviation route (New Delhi-Mumbai)."

Mathur, Sameer.

International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 20, no. 1 (2020): 93-108., 2019-20


"A Pareto investigation on critical barriers in green supply chain management."

Kaur, Jasneet, Ramneet Sidhu, Anjali Awasthi, and Samir K. Srivastava.

International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 14, no. 2 (2019):113-123., 2019-20


"Bank Capital, Bank Liquidity and Credit Growth: Evidence from India."

Misra, Sangeeta D.

IUP Journal of Applied Finance 25, no. 2 (2019)., 2019-20


"Does diversity matter? A fresh inquiry into the energy, economy and environment nexus."

Jha, Amit Prakash, and Sanjay Kumar Singh.

Applied Economics 52, no. 12 (2020): 1349-1362., 2019-20


"Human capital and income inequality in India: is there a non-linear and asymmetric relationship?."

Sehrawat, Madhu, and Sanjay Kumar Singh.

Applied Economics 51, no. 39 (2019): 4325-4336., 2019-20


"A random effects multinomial logit model for the determinants of exit modes."

Irfan, Mohd, Sarani Saha, and Sanjay Kumar Singh.

Journal of Economic Studies (2018)., 2019-20


"Performance evaluation of Indian states in the renewable energy sector for making investment decisions:

Jha, Amit Prakash, and Sanjay K. Singh.

A managerial perspective." Journal of Cleaner Production 224 (2019): 325-334., 2019-20


"Does packaging influence purchase decisions of food products? A study of young consumers of India."

Kapoor, Sanjeev, and Niraj Kumar.

Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 23, no. 3 (2019): 1-16., 2019-20


"Self/other oriented green experiential values: Measurement and impact on hotel-consumer relationship."

Gupta, Ansh, Satyabhushan Dash, and Abhishek Mishra.

International Journal of Hospitality Management 83 (2019): 159-168., 2019-20


"Examining the role of customer engagement in augmenting referral value."

Sahi, Gurjeet Kaur, Rita Devi, and Satya Bhusan Dash.

Journal of Service Theory and Practice (2019)., 2019-20


"Increasing Resilience Reservoir: Experience of Senior Corporate Executives."

Singh, PrRaghuraman, P. G., Shailendra Singh, and Sabyasachi Sinha.akash.

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations 55, no. 2 (2019)., 2019-20


"From better schools to better nourishment: evidence from a school-building program in India."

Chatterjee, Somdeep.

IZA Journal of Labor Policy 10, no. 1 (2020)., 2019-20


"Fruit Consumption and Morbidity- Can Policymakers trust...Theory?."

Chatterjee, Somdeep.

Empirical Economic Letters. Accepted, 2019-20


"Time Paradox in Transportation Problems."

Singh, Sonia.

International Journal of Operational Research. Accepted, 2019-20


"Appropriate location for remanufacturing plant towards sustainable supply chain."

Bhatia, Manjot Singh, Manoj Dora, and Suresh K. Jakhar.

Annals of Operations Research (2019): 1-22., 2019-20


"Social and environmental sustainability model on consumers’ altruism, green purchase intention, green brand loyalty and evangelism."

Panda, Tapan Kumar, Anil Kumar, Suresh Jakhar, Sunil Luthra, Jose Arturo Garza- Reyes, Ipek Kazancoglu, and Sonali Sitoshna Nayak.

Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020): 118575., 2019-20


"A step to clean energy-Sustainability in energy system management in an emerging economy context."

Mangla, Sachin Kumar, Sunil Luthra, Suresh Jakhar, Sumeet Gandhi, Kamalakanta Muduli, and Anil Kumar.

Journal of Cleaner Production 242 (2020): 118462., 2019-20


"Critical factors to environment management in a closed loop supply chain."

Bhatia, Manjot Singh, Suresh Kumar Jakhar, Sachin Kumar Mangla, and Kishore Kumar Gangwani.

Journal of Cleaner Production 255 (2020): 120239., 2019-20


"Improving portfolio diversification: Identifying the right baskets for putting your eggs."

Sharma, Prateek and Vipul.

Managerial and Decision Economics 39, no. 6 (2018): 698-711., 2019-20


"iKure Techsoft: Providing Technology Enabled Affordable Health Care in Rural India."

Chaudhuri, Atanu, Venkatramanaiah Saddikutti, and Thim Prætorius.

Asian Case Research Journal 22, no. 02 (2018): 385-411., 2019-20


"An application of AHP and fuzzy AHP with sensitivity analysis for selecting the right process to impart knowledge."

Singh, Shailendra, Venkataramanaiah Saddikuti and Shantanu Bhattacharya.

International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, Accepted, 2019-20


"Turning Around Distressed Project Finance Assets in India: What More Needs to Be Done?."

Srivastava, Vikas, and Surya Dashottar.

The Journal of Structured Finance 24, no. 3 (2018): 52-64., 2019-20


"Examining freight performance of third-party logistics providers within the automotive industry in India: an environmental sustainability perspective."

Goswami, Mohit, Arijit De, Muhammad Khoirul Khakim Habibi, and Yash Daultani.

International Journal of Production Research (2020): 1-28., 2019-20


"A Clustering Based Routing Heuristic for Last-Mile Logistics in Fresh Food E-Commerce."

Prajapati, Dhirendra, Arjun R. Harish, Yash Daultani, Harpreet Singh, and Saurabh Pratap.

Global Business Review (2020): 0972150919889797., 2019-20


"Network Loading Problem: Valid inequalities from 5-and higher partitions."

Agarwal, Yogesh Kumar.

Computers & Operations Research 99 (2018): 123-134., 2019-20


Employee empowerment leading to flexible role orientation- A disposition-based contingency framework,

Abhijit Bhattacharya, Amit Shukla, Shailendra Singh, & Himanshu Rai,

IIMB Management Review, 30(4), 2018-19


FPM 18005, Liquidity of Financial Markets- A Review, Studies in Economics and Finance,

Alok Dixit, Vipul,

Economics and Finance,, 2018-19


Srivastava, A data visualization tool to benchmark government tendering process- Insights from two public enterprises, Benchmarking:

Amit Agrahari & Samir K.

An International Journal, 26(3), 2018-19


Effect of firms diverse experiences on its alliance portfolio diversity- Evidence from India,

Amita Mital & Sanjay Dhir,

Journal of Indian Business Research, 2018-19


Implications of Indian Philosophy and Mind Management for Agency Conflicts and Leadership:

Anadi Pande & Ranjan Kumar,

A Conceptual Framework, IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review, 2018-19


Role of organizational image in employee engagement and performance, Benchmarking:

Archana Shukla & Swati Dhir,

An International Journal, 26(3), 2018-19


Neo-liberal Conservation- Analyzing Carbon Forestry and Its Challenges in India,

Ashish Aggarwal,

Economic and Political Weekly, LIV(16), 2018-19


Determinants of Hotel Room Prices in India,

Ashish Dubey & Sameer Mathur,

Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 2018-19


Establishing the inter-relationship among the critical success factors,

Ashish Dubey, Sonika Raitani, & Vishal Vyas,

Bank Parikrama, 2018-19


Testing the effect of investments in IT and R&Don labour productivity- New Method and evidence for Indian firms,

Chandan Sharma & Rupika Khanna,

Economics Letters, 173(1), 2018-19


Determinants of Bribe in Informal Sector- Some Empirical Evidence from India,

Chandan Sharma & Soumik Biswas,

Global Business Review, 21(1), 2018-19


Do infrastructure and quality of governance matter for manufacturing productivity?

Chandan Sharma & Rupika Khanna,

Empirical evidence from the Indian states, Journal of Economic Studies, 45(4), 2018-19


Exchange rate volatility and India’s cross-border trade- A pooled mean group and nonlinear co-integration approach,

Chandan Sharma & Debdatta Pal,

Economic Modelling, 74(2018), 2018-19


Access of Foreign Technology, and Firms’ Performance:

Chandan Sharma,

Searching the Link in Indian Manufacturing, The Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance, 68(2018), 2018-19


Measuring Inequality of Opportunity for the Backward Communities- Regional Evidence from the Indian

Chandan Sharma & Sudarshan R. Paramati,

Labour Market, Social Indicators Research, 138(2018), 2018-19


Protecting Architectural Design as Image Trademark- An Emerging Trend,


Company Law Journal, 2019(1), 2018-19


Improving Institutional Arbitration Mechanism in India- Recent Developments,


Company Law Journal, 2019(2), 2018-19


Does Financial Integration Reduce Output Volatility/ New Evidence from Cross-Country Data, Economic Papers:

D.Tripati Rao, Pradipta K. Sahoo, & Badri Narayan Rath,

A journal of applied economics and policy, 18(1), 2018-19


Mitra, The efficiency of microfinance institutions with problem loans:

Debdatta Pal, Subrata K. Mitra,

A directional distance function approach, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 24(3), 2018-19


Oil price and automobile stock return co-movement:

Debdatta Pal & Subrata K. Mitra,

A wavelet coherence analysis, Economic Modelling, 76(1), 2018-19


Importance-performance Analysis to Identify Effective Learning Approaches for Sustainability in an Indian Business School, Vision:

Garima Mittal, Neeraj Singhal, & Himani Gupta,

The Journal of Business Perspective, 22(3), 2018-19


A new ants interaction scheme for continuous optimization problems,

Garima Mittal, Anand Kumar, & Manoj Thakur,

International Journal of System assurance Engineering and Management, 9(4), 2018-19


The Role of Gender and leader Tenure in the Relationship between Spirituality and Ethical Leadership,

Himanshu Rai & Bidisha Banerjee,

Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 54(3), 2018-19


Designing supply contracts for the sustainable supply chain using game theory,

Indranil Biswas, Samir K. Srivastava, & Alok Raj,

Journal of Cleaner Production,185(2018), 2018-19


A route efficiency analysis using Shannon entropy-based modified DEA method and route characteristics investigation for urban bus transport in India,

Indranil Biswas, Arnab Adhikari, Sumanta Basu, Ashim Banerjee, & Partha Pratim Sengupta,

INFOR, 56(3), 2018-19


Supply chain channel coordination with triple bottom line approach,

Indranil Biswas, Samir K. Srivastava, & Alok Raj,

Transportation Research Part E-Logistics And Transportation Review, 115(2018), 2018-19


Sanjay K. Singh, Monika Gupta, Measuring effectiveness of carbon tax on Indian road passenger transport-

Kaushik Ranjan Bandyopadhyay, Sanjay K. Singh, Monika Gupta,

Strategic Orientation(s) Construct:, 2018-19


Strategic Orientation(s) Construct:

Krishna Chandra Balodi & Omdeep Gupta,

Review and Consolidation, Pragyaan: Journal of Management, 16, 2018-19


Classification for Regulated Industries- A New Index,

Kshitij Awasthi, Sai Yayavaram, Rejie George, & Trilochan Sastry,

IIMB Management Review, 2018-19


Influence of Information Asymmetry on Land Value Perception,


International Journal of Applied Management Research, 2018-19


Using horticulture as an instrument of national growth and prosperity,


Progressive Horticulture, 50(1), 2018-19


Intraday portfolio risk management using VaR and CVaR-A CGARCH-EVT-Copula approach,

M.Karmakar & Samit Paul,

International Journal of Forecasting, 35(2019), 2018-19


Relative Efficiency of Component GARCH-EVT Approach in Managing Intraday Market Risk,

M.Karmakar & Samit Paul,

Multinational Finance Journal, 21(4), 2018-19


Asset pricing factors and future economic growth,

Madhumita Chakraborty & Vaibhav Lalwani,

Economics Letters, 168(July), 2018-19


Explaining normative behavior in information technology use,

Moutusi Maity, Kallol Bagchi, Arunima Shah, & Ankita Misra,

Information Technology and People, 32(1), 2018-19


How important is applicants' perception about job relatedness of selection process?,

Mrityunjay Kumar Tiwary, Divya Upadhyay, & Shobhit Aggarwal,

International Journal of Indian Culture & Business Management, 18(1), 2018-19


Blended programs for working professionals:

Neerja Pande & Ranjan Kumar,

developing a path analysis-based structural model to achieve skill development outcomes, International Journal of Management Practice, 2018-19


Moderation effects of perceived organisational support on curvilinear relationship between neuroticism and job performance,

Nishant Uppal,

Personality and Individual Differences, 105(Sept), 2018-19


A cost minimisation model for system reliability allocation,

Omkarprasad S.Vaidya, Sushil Kumar, & Ganapathy L.,

International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management,, 2018-19


A Multi-Criteria Performance Evaluation Framework for Rehabilitation Service Operations,

Omkarprasad S.Vaidya & Sushil Kumar,

Global Business Review, 2018-19


Student engagement in Indian context- UWES-S validation and relationship...satisfaction,

Pankaj Kumar, Ashish Rastogi, Surya Prakash Pati, J.K. Dixit, & Sudeepta Pradhan,

International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion, 9(1), 2018-19


Investicom- An Investor Negotiation Simulation, Journal of Organizational Behavior Education,

Payal Mehra,

Journal of Organizational Behavior Education, 11(2018), 2018-19


Sequence clustering approach for clustering web user session,

Pradeep Kumar,

International Journal of Business Information Systems, 28(1), 2018-19


DPRel- A Meta-Path Based Relevance Measure for MIning Heterogeneous Networks,

Pradeep Kumar, Bharat Bhasker, & Mukul Gupta,

Information Systems Frontiers, 2018-19


Transaction costs in microfinance- study from client's perspective,

Prakash Singh & Sanjeev Kapoor,

International Journal of Development Issues, 2018-19


An essay on Strategic Collaboration,

Prakash Singh, Nidhi Srivastava, & Ankur Kukreti,

International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 6(2), 2018-19


Kay Cinema: Pricing Dilemma for Delhi NCR Region,

Prem Prakash Dewani, Achint Nigam, & Manoj Motiani,

Journal of International Business Education, 12(Special), 2018-19


Employee wellbeing in the Indian IT/ ITES sector- the role of empowering leadership and work-

Pushpendra Priyadarshi & Rajesh Premchandran (FPM Student),

family enrichment, International Journal of Happiness and Development, 4(4), 2018-19


Job characteristics, job resources and work-related outcomes: Role of person-organisation fit, Evidence-based HRM:

Pushpendra Priyadarshi & Rajesh Premchandran,

a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 6(2), 2018-19


A generalized fuzzy TOPSIS with improved closeness coefficient,

R.K.Srivastava, Samir Srivastava, & Gourav Dwivedi,

Expert Systems with Applications, 96(2018), 2018-19


Procurement scheduling in engineer procure construct projects- a comparison of three fuzzy modelling approaches,

R.K.Srivastava, Vijaya Dixit, & Atanu Chaudhuri,

International Journal of Construction Management, 18(3), 2018-19


An integrated design approach for class-based block stacked warehouse, Facilities

Rakesh V. & Gajendra K. Adil,

stacked warehouse, Facilities, 2018-19


An Effectual–Causal View of Managerial Decisions in the Internationalization of Indian MNEs,

Rupanwita Dash & Kumar Rakesh Ranjan,

Journal of International Management, 25(2019), 2018-19


Impact of IT enabled services on the state GDP- A Case of Andhra Pradesh,

S. Venkataramanaiah & Sundar Balakrishna,

Indian Journal of Economics & Business, 19(1), 2018-19


The Emergent-Strategy Process of Initiating Organizational Ambidexterity,

Sabyasachi Sinha,

Journal of Strategy and Management, 2018-19


Hotel Pricing at popular US Tourist Destinations,

Sameer Mathur,

Tourism Recreation Research1 44(2), 2018-19


Sustainability performance assessment of an aircraft manufacturing firm, Benchmarking:

Samir K Srivastava & Alok Raj,

An International Journal, 25(5), 2018-19


Efficiency and Effectiveness of State Transport Undertakings in India:

Sanjay Kumar Singh & Amit P.

A DEA Approach, Theoretical Economics Letters, 2017(7), 2018-19


Optimal Pricing- Theory and Application to Publicly Supplied Bus Transport Services,

Sanjay Kumar Singh,

International Journal of Economic Research, 14(8), 2018-19


State Transport Undertakings in India- Status and Issues,

Sanjay Kumar Singh,

International Journal of Business InforInternational Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 15(2017)mation Systems, 28(1), 2018-19


Ramsey Pricing- An Application to Publicly Supplied Urban Bus Transport Services in India,

Sanjay Kumar Singh,

International Journal of Economic Research, 15(December), 2018-19


All that glitters is not green- Creating trustworthy ecofriendly services at green hotels,

Satya Bhusan Dash, Ansh Gupta, & Abhishek Mishra,

Tourism Management, 70(2019), 2018-19


Storage infrastructure and agricultural yield- evidence from a capital investment subsidy scheme,

Somdeep Chatterjee,

Economics, 12(65), 2018-19


The Curious Case of Farmer Credit Cards- Evidence from an Indian Policy Reform,

Somdeep Chatterjee,

The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 19(1), 2018-19


Bi-Criteria Transportation Problem with Multiple Parameters,

Sonia Singh & Shalabh Singh,

Annals of Operations Research, 269(1-2), 2018-19


Investor Attention and Cryptocurrency Returns- Evidence from Quantile Causality Approach,

Sowmya Subramaniam & Madhumita Chakraborty,

Journal of Behavioral Finance, 2018-19


Examining the mediating role of innovative capabilities in the interplay between lean processes and sustainable performance,

Suresh Kumar Jakhar, Himanshu Rathore, Arijit Bhattacharya, & E. Madhumitha,

International Journal of Production Economics, 2018-19


When stakeholder pressure drives the circular economy- Measuring the mediating role of innovation capabilities,

Suresh Kumar Jakhar, Sachin Kumar Mangla, Sunil Luthra, & S. Kusi-Sarpong,

Management Decision, 57(4), 2018-19


A hybrid model for investigating and selecting a sustainable supply chain for agri-produce in India,

Suresh Kumar Jakhar, Ankur Chauhan, Harpreet Kaur, & Sachin Yadav,

Annals of Operations Research, 2018-19


Is lean synergestic with sustainable supply chain? An empirical investigation from emerging economy,

Suresh Kumar Jakhar, Himanshu Rathore, & Sachin Kumar Mangla,

Resources Conservation and Recycling, 139(2018), 2018-19


Evolution of stakeholder management approach in business- A literature review,

Sushil Kumar & Shireesh,

International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets, 10(2), 2018-19


Pricing decisions for three-echelon supply chain with advertising and quality effort-dependent fuzzy demand,

Sushil Kumar, Indranil Biswas, & Rohit Gupta,

International Journal of Production Research, 57(9), 2018-19


Distressed debt investments in India- What more needs to be done to strengthen regulations?,

Vikas Srivastava,

International Journal of Indian Culture & Business Management, 18(3), 2018-19


Volatility spillover from crude oil and gold to BRICS equity markets,

Vipul & Vikas Pandey,

Journal of Economic Studies, 45(2), 2018-19


Fixed charge multicommodity network design using p- partition facets,

Y.K.Agarwal & Y.P. Aneja,

European Journal of Operational Research, 258(2017), 2018-19


Case- ABCtronics: Manufacturing, Quality Control, and Client Interfaces.

Adhikari, Arnab, Indranil Biswas, and Arnab Bisi

INFORMS Transactions on Education 17, Vol no. 1 : 26-33., Operations Management, 2016-17


Marketing to Rural India- Challenges & Opportunities.

Aithal, R, and Satyam.

IMI Konnect 6, Vol no. 1 ., Marketing Management, 2016-17


Tamul Plates Marketing Pvt. Ltd.

Aithal, Rajesh, and Dasgupta, Arindam.

Asian Case Research Journal ., Marketing Management, 2016-17


Performance of small and medium-sized food and agribusiness enterprises: evidence from Indian firms.

Ali, Jabir.

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19, Vol no. 4 : 53-64., Agribusiness Management, 2016-17


Role of Dynamic Capabilities in Innovation Output of High‐Technology Firms. 

Aniruddha, Krishna, and Amita Mital.

Strategic Change 25, no. 4 : 401-425., Strategic Management, 2016-17


Corporate governance and firm performance in developing countries: evidence from India.

Arora, Akshita and Chandan Sharma.

Corporate Governance 16, Vol no. 2 : 420-436., Business Environment, 2016-17


The Journey of a Wild Berry: A Story of Rise, Fall, and Revival.

Awasthi, Maya Kant, and Sanjai K. Dwivedi.

Metamorphosis 16, Vol no. 1 : 60-65., Agribusiness Management, 2016-17


Influence of perceived price fairness on buying decision of rural consumer in India.

Awasthi, Maya Kant.

International Journal of Applied Management Research 3, Vol no. 1 ., Agribusiness Management, 2016-17


Configurations and entrepreneurial orientation of young firms: Revisiting theoretical specification using crisp-set qualitative comparative analysis.

Balodi, Krishna Chandra

Management Decision 54, Vol no. 4 : 1004-1019., Strategic Management, 2016-17


Phishing Detection and Loss Computation Hybrid Model.

Biswas Baidyanath, and Mukhopadhyay Arunabha.

ISACA Journal, Vol 1 ., Information Technology & Systems, 2016-17


The Association between Stock prices and Accounting Information: An Empirical Study in the Indian context. 

Chakraborty, M.

Udyog Pragati 39, Vol no. 4 ., Finance & Accounting, 2016-17


Outbound logistics management practices in the automotive industry: an emerging economy perspective. 

Chandra, Saurabh, Debabrata Ghosh, and Samir K. Srivastava.

Decision 43, Vol no. 2 : 145-165., Operations Management, 2016-17


Getting Girls to Schools!–Assessing the Impacts of a Targeted Program on Enrollment and Academic Performance. 

Chatterjee, Somdeep.

The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 17, Vol no. 1 ., Business Environment, 2016-17


Risk propagation and its impact on performance in food processing supply chain: A fuzzy interpretive structural modeling based approach. 

Chaudhuri, Atanu, Samir K. Srivastava, Rajiv K. Srivastava and Zeenat Parveen.

Journal of Modelling in Management 11, Vol no. 2 : 660-693., Operations Management, 2016-17


A Piecewise Linear Multinomial Logit Model of Private Vehicle Ownership Behaviour of Indian Households.

Dash, Sarojeet, Vinod Vasudevan, and Sanjay Kumar Singh.

Transportation in Developing Economies 2, Vol no. 2 : 1-10., Business Environment, 2016-17


Ad-Hoc Black–Scholes vis-a-vis TSRV-based Black–Scholes: Evidence from Indian Options Market. 

Dixit, Alok, and Shivam Singh.

Journal of Quantitative Economics,  : 1-32., Finance & Accounting, 2016-17


E-shopping momentum: a conceptual framework. 

Dubey, Ashish, and Sonika Raitani.

International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 7, Vol no. 4 : 346-365., Marketing Management, 2016-17


The paradox of haptics and contamination: Literature review and research directions. 

Dubey, Ashish, and Yadav Shiv Shankar.

The Marketing Review 17, Vol no. 1 : 51-71., Marketing Management, 2016-17


Internationalization and performance of Indian born globals: Moderating role of presence of foreign equity.

Ganvir, Manish B. and Neeraj Dwivedi.

 International Journal of Emerging Markets 12, Vol no. 1 : 108-124., Strategic Management, 2016-17


Global Commodity and Oil Price Movements, Macroeconomic Performance...Experience.

Goyal, Saurabh and Rao, Tripati D.

Global Business Review, Business Environment, 2016-17


A framework for identification of opportunities for agribusiness and agripreneurship in India. 

Gupta, Kriti Bardhan, and Lok Bardhan Gupta.

Journal of Management Research and Analysis 4, Vol no. 1 : 30-34., Agribusiness Management, 2016-17


Clustering of Micro-Messages Using Similarity Upper Approximation. 

Gupta, Mukul, Kumar, Pradeep, and Bharat Bhasker.

International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 25, Vol no. 01 : 53-79., Information Technology & Systems, 2016-17


HeteClass: A Meta-path based framework for transductive classification of objects in heterogeneous information networks. 

Gupta, Mukul, Pradeep Kumar, and Bharat Bhasker.

Expert Systems with Applications 68, : 106-122., Information Technology & Systems, 2016-17


Evaluating the predictive power of an ensemble model for economic success of indian movies. 

Gupta, Samrat, Saurabh Kumar, and Pradeep Kumar.

The Journal of Prediction Markets 10, Vol no. 1: 30-52., Information Technology & Systems, 2016-17


Determinants of being acquired in Indian manufacturing sector: a panel data analysis. 

Irfan, Mohd, Sarani Saha and Sanjay Kumar Singh.

Journal of Indian Business Research 8, Vol no. 4 :246-263., Business Environment, 2016-17


Modelling and constructing membership function for uncertain portfolio parameters: A credibilistic framework.

Jalota, Hemant, Manoj Thakur, and Garima Mittal.

Expert Systems with Applications 71,   : 40-56., Decision Sciences, 2016-17


How does transformational leadership influence proactive customer service behavior of frontline service employees? Examining the mediating roles of psychological empowerment and affective commitment. 

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