Research Projects | भारतीय प्रबंध संस्थान लखनऊ
IIM Lucknow

Research Projects

Internally Funded

Listing of Internally Funded Research Projects

Code  Project Name  Project Incharge
SM064 Seed Money Proposal for Writing 5 Cases on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (ESBM – Cases) Prof. M. Akbar
SM067 Effect of Liquidity Improvement in Stock Price Behaviour – Extending Analysis to Trading Volume Prof. Ajay Pandey
SM068 Market Cases and Course Material Development in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Prof. M. Akbar
SM071 Managing Organisational Excellence Prof. Krishna Kumar
SM073 An Evaluation of Alternative Perceptual Mapping Techniques Prof. P.C. Purwar
SM074 A Study on the Functioning of the Directorate of Agriculture, U.P. Prof. P.R. Banerjee
SM075 An Exploratory Study of Work Ethos in Indian Organisations Prof. D. Chatterjee
SM077 Case Writing on JK Group Prof. Krishna Kumar
SM078 Proposal for Preparation of Case Studies in the Area of Financial Management for Use in PGP/Mdps Prof. S.B. Mathur
SM083 Core Competence and Diversificaion in Indian Industry Prof. M. Akbar
SM084 Study of Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management Practices in Lucknow Chikan Industry Prof. U. Bahadur
SM085 Management of Telecom Services: The Indian Experience Prof. P. Rameshan
SM086 Developing Guidelines for Designing Logos Prof. M. Jankiraman
SM087 Development and Standardisation of Emotional Intelligence Test Prof. Shailendra Singh
SM088 Virtualness of Indian Organisation Prof. R. Srinivasan
SM089 Knowledge Management Prof. Archana Shukla
SM090 Foreign Currency Translation and International Accounting – Case Study of Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. (TCIL) Prof. Ravi Sundar
SM091 Documentation of IIML Research Contributions Dr. Roshan L. Raina
SM092 Changing Retailing Scenarios in India Prof. Prem Purwar
SM093 Managing Divestment and Closure in India : A Case Study of Compton Greaves Prof. Abha Chturvedi
SM094 Restructuring of UPSEB: Building Political Consensus Prof. Anil Chaturvedi
SM095 Efficiency and Productivity Potentials of the Steel Industry in India: Directions for Future Prof. Sangeeta Misra

Externally Funded

Listing of Externally Funded Research Projects

Code Project Name Project Incharge
FR028 Personality Profile of Higher Education Teachers and their Perception about their Role, Community and Institutions Prof. S.K. Kalra
FR047 Developing Decision Support System and Expert System at Bombay and Poona Prof. S.K. Sharma
FR048 Developing an Agenda for Information Systems Research in India Prof. S.K. Singh
FR049 State of Art in Project Management Prof. S.S. Sahay
FR051 The Lease Versus Purchase Decision: The Current Practices Prof. B. Brahmaiah
FR052 Yen Appreciation and International Economy Prof. D.K. Das
FR053 Management of Trade Unions Prof. S. Ghosh
FR054 I.S. Case Study – Lupin Laboratories Bombay Prof. S.K. Singh
FR055 Managerial Leadership in Indian Context Prof. S.K. Kalra
FR056 Mutual Funds in India Prof. R.K. Sharma
FR057 Information Systems Orgnisation and Planning Practices in India Prof. S.K. Singh
FR058 Indian Organisation and Management in Comparative Studies Prof. R.K. Gupta
FR059 Management of Trade Unions II Prof. S. Ghosh
FR060 Case Study Of J. S. Organisation and Planning Practice Prof. S.K. Singh
FR061 Share Price Behaviour in India Prof. R.K. SHARMA
FR062 A Study of the Perception of India as a Business Partner among the European Executives Prof. Krishna Kumar
FR063 Industrial and Organisational History of Lucknow Region Prof. R.K. Gupta
FR065 Risk – Return Relationship in Indian Stock Market Prof. Vipul
FR066 Managerial Leadership in Indian Context : A Study of Characteristics of Effective and Ineffective Leaders as Perceived by Subordinates Prof. S.K. Kalra
FR070 Study on the Product Design and Test Marketing (IDRC,CANADA Funded) Dr. Roshan L. Raina
FR072 Virtual Manufacturing Lab Facility [AICTE Funded] Prof. R.K. Srivastava
FR073 IT Based Upgradation and Networking at IIML Library [AICTE Funded] Dr. Roshan L. Raina
FR079 Education and Research Infrastructure for Virtual Manufacturing Enterprise Management [MHRD Funded] Prof. R.K. Srivastava
FR080 Information Technology and Software Product Management Lab [MHRD Funded] Prof. Bharat Bhasker
FR081 Advanced Methodologies for Marketing Research [MHRD Funded] Prof. M. Bhattacharyya
FR082 An Assessment of Training Needs of Head Teachers for Effective Primary School Management Prof. Shailendra Singh
FR096 Peoples’ Participation and Local Selfhelp Groups Prof. S. Chakraborty
FR097 Quality of Health Delivery Systems – A Study on the Customer Orientation of Primary Health Centres Prof. P. Rameshan
FR0100 Computer Based Teaching/Training Laboratory Prof. D.K. Bandyopadhyay
FR0101 Information Technology (IT) (Barcoding & CD-NET) Upgradation at IIML (MHRD Funded) Dr. Roshan L. Raina/MUR/MKS
FR0102 Developing an Interactive Multimedia Tool for Imparting Quality Education – A Model for Virtual School in India (MHRD Funded) Profs. V. Sridhar/Amit Kapoor/Vivek Gupta/RKS
FR0103 Intellectual Property Rights Management Systems and Literacy Project (MHRD Funded) Profs. M. Jankiraman/R. Srinivasan/M. Ravisunder
FR0104 Public and Private Schools : An Examination of DPEP II Districts in U.P Profs. S. Singh/K. Sridhar
FR0120 Optical Information Scanning, Archiving and Retrieval Services at IIML Prof. Roshan L. Raina
FR0121 Reaching the Globe: Developing a Centre for Interactive Video Conferencing Prof. P.R. Banerjee